[Video] Babies crying so hard at a sumo festival - Nakizumo

Click below  ⇓  for a video    to learn about a very unique custom     in Japan

posted on July 24, 2018

  Sumo wrestlers gently shake babies in all directions to make them cry as part of centuries-old festival in Japan. “Naki” means cry and “zumo” refers to “sumo”. The origin of this ceremony is said to have come from old folklore that a baby’s cry drove off evil spirits. The wrestlers along with the gyoji (referee) try to bring the babies to shed tears wishing for their healthy growth. Nakizumo takes place in several Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples across Japan and the rules vary depending on the region. In general, the first baby who cries is considered winner, but at this ceremony held at a shrine in Tokyo in the middle of the severe heatwave, the bout ends in a draw and the referee declares that the babies’ screams have reached the deity and they will grow up happy and healthy.

*Temperatures rose to 39.0 degrees Celsius in Tokyo on July 23.

Nakizumo - Baby Crying sumo festival




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